EMO Introduction

Espoo Music Institute, EMO
- Espoo’s largest and oldest institute of arts that opened its doors in 1963.
- EMO and Ebeli, the institute’s pop/jazz department, offer musical education in accordance with an advanced syllabus
Private institute of arts maintained by a support association. The institute receives by-the-hour central government transfers from the Ministry of Education and Culture, and operating grants from the City of Espoo.
Concept of EMO
- The fundamental purpose of EMO is to offer diverse and high-quality musical education that strengthens the personality of the student and increases their mental and social well-being.
- EMO provides a solid foundation for a lifetime interest in music and qualifications for professional studies
- Joy of Music – Student-based Approach – Sense of Community and Respect for Individuality
- EMO gives Espoo a voice and contributes to well-being in the city of Espoo. With its musical competence, EMO is one of the flagships of the city
Espoo Music Institute Support Association
The purpose of the Espoo Music Institute Support Association is to promote the teaching of performing and creative arts, and to contribute to the development of musical life in Espoo. The membership fee is 20€ for one year of participation. As a member, you will be supporting the work of EMO, and you will have a right to vote during the regular meetings.
The membership fee can be paid to EMO’s bank account FI38 5721 1510 002111 or MobilePay 47538, in the message field please add your first and last name, email and home address.
Board of the Espoo Music Institute Support Association
Anne Vaari, Chair
Ari Katajamäki,Vice-Chair
Marja Korpi, Secretary
Annika Broman
Janne Jokinen
Markus Lehtinen
Timo Nyberg
Pasi Pennanen
Ahti Rissanen
Jaana Valle
Markku Varhela
Jussi Vauhkonen
Maija Alén, teachers’ representative
Adalmina Visa, students’ representative