Our office on the 2nd floor of Espoo Cultural Centre is open Mon-Thu 12:30-16:30
Address for visits: Kulttuuriaukio 2, 02100 Espoo
Address for mail: PL 6666, 02070 Espoon kaupunki
EMO office

Paula Jordan
Paula Jordan, principal of the Espoo Music Institute, takes care of the major policies: funding, premises, community relations and of the institute itself as a quality workplace that offers quality education. Her goal is to make students and teachers musically motivated and happy. Paula began working as a violin coach before even graduating from high school. She has worked as a principal since 1995, and she joined EMO in 2007. Paula is particularly inspired by the development of studies and activities together with the teachers, students and partners of EMO. Heading the Finnish association for Basic Education in the Arts which unites several arts branches, Paula is an influencer on a national level. To successfully undertake her work, Paula has complemented her Master’s Degree in Music with studies in Arts Management and other fields.

Marja Korpi
Marja Korpi (MA, Guitar teacher) has worked as a vice principal of EMO from 2005. Before taking on the position of vice principal at EMO, Marja worked as a guitar teacher in several institutions. In EMO Marja’s job is to manage the students and teachers of the winds, brass, piano, guitar, accordion, voice, piano accompaniment and percussions, communication and press releases, occupational safety and many other general tasks in administration.
- Vice Principal
- +358 10 406 1482
- +358 50 345 0602

Laura Clewer
Laura Clewer works as a part-time Education Coordinator in the administration of the Espoo Music Institute. Her own instrument is the bassoon which she also teaches at EMO. As an education coordinator she is responsible for students and teachers of the strings, harp, kantele and music perception studies. Additionally, she takes care of the permanent use of the premises and equipment as well as of producing different projects.
Laura is usually available at the office of EMO on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
- Vice Principal
- 045 197 3310

Hanna Ahtiainen
Hanna Ahtiainen works as a Financial Manager at the office of EMO. Hanna is the contact person when it comes to working relations, salaries, purchase invoices and payments. Applications for term fee exemptions are delivered to Hanna.
- Financial Manager
- 010 406 1485
- 050 433 5886

Jaana Matilainen
Jaana Matilainen has worked as a Study Secretary at the office of EMO since fall 2003. She handles student-related issues and group registration tasks (Music play school: Sonja Mälkki). Jaana registers the study credits and assessment results and takes care of the certificates. She is also responsible for renting the instruments and billing.
- Study Secretary
- 010 406 1484
- 050 345 0881

Sonja Mälkki
Sonja Mälkki works as a contact person for the Music Play School at the office of EMO. She is the one to inform you on the Music Play School groups, registration and payments via e-mail and on the phone on Thursday. Otherwise Sonja is occupied with the activities of Ebeli, the pop/jazz department.
- Music Play School Secretary (on Thursdays)
- +358 10 406 1486
- +358 50 306 9712

Sami Åkerlund
Sami Åkerlund, a Evening Janitor at EMO, can be found in the Cultural Center in the evenings from Monday to Friday from 15:30 onwards. He opens the doors, helps with the organizational matters of the concerts and is around during the events. He is the one to ask for help if you or your belongings happen to be lost.
- Evening Janitor
- +358 10 406 1488
- +358 50 911 5075

Johannes Lammin-Soila
Johannes Lammin-Soila, the qualified Piano Technician who handles all kinds of pianos and grand pianos takes care that the EMO instruments are in tune and in shape. If time allows, Johannes takes on commissions outside of the institute. Johannes can do tuning, maintenance, adjustments, renovation, tuning for concerts, inspection and assessments for renovation.
- Piano Technician
- +358 40 820 4555
pop/jazz department Ebeli office

Mirja Mäkelä
Head of the Department Mirja Mäkelä is responsible for everything Ebeli-related: pedagogical strategies, castings, recruiting teachers, locations, contracts and plan of operations. Together with the EMO Financial Director, Mirja takes care of the budget of Ebeli. Mirja is the one to produce the largest concerts and other Ebeli events, and she is the contact person in different co-operation projects.
- Head of the Department

Sonja Mälkki
Sonja Mälkki works in Ebeli’s office and takes care of running the everyday business. Sonja is the one who deals with Ebeli premises, clearances, student management, communication and billing.
- Ebeli Office Secretary
- +358 40 455 0025